
New updates and improvements to Typeflo

  1. 📜 May 2024 Changelog

    Call to action sections (8)


    [New feature updates] 🎉

    Bulk Publishing


    [Improvements] ✨

    Added 2 extra fonts

    Improved TOC Design

    Fixed H2 issue in card


    [Bug Fixes] 🐞

    Dashboard loading optimizations

    Rich text support for Blog Heading, Subheading, Category Descriptions, etc

    Fixed whitelabel bugs



  2. Publish multiple posts in bulk from Google Sheets 📁

    New Feature
    Call to action sections (6)


    The most awaited feature is now live! 🎉

    You can now publish multiple posts at once using Typeflo. Simply use our Google Sheets template to fill in the data for your posts.

    Your posts can be either on Google Docs or as drafts within the Typeflo editor.


    Note: This feature is available on the scale plan



    Bulk publish posts

    Will start working on this once schedule posts is completed

    Hrithik Kaul
    Completed 💪



  3. 📜 April 2024 Changelog

    Call to action sections (5)


    [New feature updates] 🎉

    • Feature rich author pages for better EEAT
    • Launch on built-in editor
    • Added new components support such as CTA, Embed code for posts pages


    [Improvements] ✨

    • Additional parameters for authors such as Description & URL
    • Rich text support for blog heading, subheading & author's description fields
    • Translation string for Table of Contents heading in posts page
    • OTP interface for Sign in & Signup pages in Typeflo Dashboard
    • Sync from Google Docs feature for custom editor
    • Improved SEO with the fixes of canonical, RSS and /posts slug issues
    • Added JSON LD structure for better Google indexability
    • Added missing Open Graph tags for category & tags pages
    • Added tags & authors pages for sitemap
    • Added 404 status code for 404 page


    [Bug Fixes] 🐞

    • Editor Design Improvements & Bug fixes
    • Fixed team members & whitelabel bugs


  4. A whole new level of possibilities with the launch of our built-in editor 🎉🥳

    New Feature
    Call to action sections (3)


    While we started Typeflo with the value proposition of using Google Docs as the CMS to make blogging easy, we realized that while this solves one problem (improved workflow), the bigger challenge with SEO-focused blogging is to attain more organic traffic and higher indexing on search engines.


    The launch of our built-in editor marks the beginning of the journey to address the SEO aspects of blogging.


    Our built-in editor will continue to support Google Docs publishing & sync seamlessly and also facilitate the development of our SEO-focused features, which will include:


    • Semantic automated internal linking system
    • Multilingual blogging (Translations using AI)
    • SEO suggestions
    • On-page SEO enhancements using AI
    • Bulk importing posts from your existing blogging platform


    We believe that the launch of our page builder is just the start of a very powerful, SEO-focused feature set that will be introduced in the near future.


  5. Feature rich author pages ✍️📜

    Component 53


    With this update, every author on your Typeflo blog now has their own page showcasing posts written by them. These posts can be filtered based on categories.

    Additionally, authors can include a bio/description about themselves and link their social media handles, which will be displayed under their bio.

    So, start adding more authors and publish more content! 🎉


  6. 📜 March 2024 Changelog

    Frame 21 (1)


    [New feature updates] 🎉

    • Made UI/UX enhancements to the list view layout
    • Support for non-Latin script languages like Chinese, Japanese, Hindi


    [Improvements] ✨

    • Dashboard optimizations
    • Search functionality for posts in dashboard
    • Added update password feature for whitelabel dashboard


    [Bug Fixes] 🐞

    • Fixed URL slug issues
    • Subfolder hosting compatibility improvements


  7. Complete compatibility for non-latin languages

    Component 13 (7)


    Before this update, we only supported blogs written in Latin language scripts.

    Now, we're excited to announce that we fully support blogs written in languages using scripts other than Latin.

  8. Design makeover for "List View" layout 🎨

    Component 13 (6)


    We've given our "List View" design a makeover after hearing from our users. We've put in the effort to make it look better and function smoother, with visual tweaks and improvements to make your experience even better.

    Take a peek at our updated blog layout and tell us what you think! 😊


  9. 📜 February 2024 Changelog

    Frame 20 (1)


    [New feature updates] 🎉

    • Added featured posts selection
    • That's it. We spent more time on bug fixes and enhancements this month :)



    • Added category wise CTA
    • Made frontend image optimizations with blurry effect
    • Added more translation strings for search & subscribe button
    • Added more social icons

    [Bug Fixes] 🐞

    • Overall optimization of Typeflo dashboard / frontend


  10. Assign posts as "Featured"

    Component 12 (1)


    Until now, the three latest posts on your Typeflo blog would appear in the featured section.

    With this update, you can designate any of your posts as "Featured" and display them at the top of your blog, in the "Featured Posts" section.
